Thursday, February 15, 2007


Topic in our lunchroom today: Valentine’s Day. Not surprising, since we just survived another one yesterday. I was eavesdropping on a conversation between two co-workers. Well, to ease my conscience, I wasn’t doing it on purpose. I was sitting there reading my book and eating at the same time, so it wasn’t like they couldn’t see me.

The guy was talking about how his girlfriend claimed that she didn’t like Valentine’s
Day but had still gone ahead and bought him lots of stuff. He had bought her her favorite cookies, her favorite candy and a flower anyways, since he believed that no girl should be without presents on Valentine’s Day. Now this guy definitely had a very happy girlfriend.

The lady he was talking to had her own views on the subject. She felt that every girl claimed not to like Valentine’s Day, quoting commercialism as a romance killer. But then, every girl does this so that she is not too disappointed when the expected romantic gestures do not materialize.

Set me thinking, is this really true? Most of the men I know wouldn’t be caught dead with any form of plant life, let alone roses. But then there are the ones who are perfectly comfortable with the idea too. Why is it that people are not willing to make that effort to make the other person feel cherished? And this by the way, should work both ways.

I agree that one day should not be held up as the epitome of love, but then, I see nothing wrong with having a day to remind you that you’re really lucky to have a special person in your life and to never take that for granted, coz who knows what life might bring?


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