Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It all started with a TV promo..that of Shahid Kapoor running amongst white horses (in slow motion of course) each well exercised muscle displayed to perfection… now tell me, which woman worth her salt would be able to prevent her heart beats from going into overdrive?

Since the TV promo teased more than it displayed.. I was determined to go see the whole thing come hell or swine flu. Enquires amongst my normally movie-mad friends elicited mixed responses:

“Are you mad? I don’t want to go sit in a theater full of swine flu viruses”. This from someone who doesn’t think twice about gobbling pani puri from the now ubiquitous pani puri stalls right next to a busy traffic signal or drinking from dirty glasses from the omnipresent “wine shops”.

“Why couldn’t you have let me know earlier.?” I’ve already booked the tickets.”

“What’s with you and your sudden desire to watch a movie in a theater?”

Finally, after a lot of arm twisting and cajoling.. hubby dear was sweet enough to get tickets from the nearest theater and was willing to sit through 2 1/2 hours of sheer nonsense (his words not mine!!). I have a strong feeling the words “Quentin Tarantino” in a couple of the movie’s reviews had something to do with this decision!!

Word spread faster than the swine flu and soon we had almost the whole gang, except the linguistically- challenged congregated at the said theater for a late night show, wives and babies in tow.

That’s when they started trickling in.. the ones who couldn’t keep away. All decked out in paper masks and in some cases even the N95 masks. Didn’t they know that all those masks would do was to make them look like Darth Vader’s reincarnations on earth? One look at the mask-clad hunks and all the babies, without exception; set up a holler loud enough to wake any of the hitherto sleeping viruses.

Needless to say, I spent most of the movie looking at all the various kinds of masks on display.. so much so that, hubby dear had to poke me in the ribs when the “Shahid with the white horses” scene came on!!

And as to the movie: I think it would suffice to say that I have been threatened with excruciating tortures if I ever lured anyone to the theater again with the words “Quentin Tarantino”.


Blogger Rashmi said...

ha ha.. i waited till after the oh-so-awesome scene to crane my neck and look at all the masks on display & also to see how the ppl sporting them were managing to eat their popcorn, pepsi & samosas.. Poor A, irritated with the movie and to top it a wriggling and fidgeting me finally threatened to get me "those" eye patches. Wt Eye Patches?? that's wt i asked too.. "if u would have closed ur drooping jaw and looked a lil above shahid's rippling muscles to his head/face, he was wearing those eye patches horses wear to ensure they look straight ahead".. Ahem.. Head? that wasn't wt i was looking at for sure.. :D

Good one Sam..

2:38 AM  
Blogger newatthis said...

i hear you girl!!!

7:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

darth vader comparison.hahahaha.good one.

5:47 AM  

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