Friday, February 13, 2015


This week, wherever I look, I see only red and white.  Maybe I should I also include pink?  We have been bombarded with it on TV, radio and even the old fuddy-duddy, the newspaper hasn’t been spared from the onslaught.

And right in the middle of the Valentine’s day blitzkrieg, I saw it.  An article buried deep in the newspaper; about a pill that could cure us of love!  Interest piqued, I continued to read.
As the cynics would have us believe, love is nothing but a bunch of hormones running amok and wrecking untold havoc.  And said pill was all set to reverse love’s calamitous effects.  It was said to be so effective that Ultra –Orthodox Jews were using it to keep their young yeshivas in line during their pious studies.
I think this would find a great market here too.  Imagine the magic pill falling into the hands of the anti-Valentine’s day brigade or the parents of love-lorn kids whose pristine lineage would otherwise be blemished with all this love-shove.
 But I shudder to think what it would do to the biggest dream factory of all time; Bollywood.    Imagine a Bollywood movie without its traditional romance and singing and dancing around trees(or its more modern avatars).  What would our movies be based on in the first place?

I wonder if the pill is efficacious on animals and birds too?  Would this also mean a resolution to the bane of all developing countries-their burgeoning populations?

I am beginning to imagine a completely black and white world, one where all mothers would be indifferent to their offspring, family ties would be monetary more than anything else, and no one had any attachment to anything at all!   Does this mean we will soon have a pill to treat hate too? Or in the meantime,hate continues to grow in leaps and bounds?

The silver lining?  We have now succeeded in creating a pill that grants instant Nirvana!  


Anonymous paramita said...

Love and antilove both a part of the 3200 billion dollar business world wide. Quintals of roses, zillion cards, love making devices, contraception devices and finally the anti love generation pill. Well written as usual. Keep up the good job with more posts.

7:20 PM  
Blogger newatthis said...

Yes, its quite a big business as you said! And thank you for your encouraging comments!

7:32 PM  

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