I thought I was over and done with exams for a lifetime. But the gods willed otherwise. I opened Appu’s “homework diary” the other day and my heart stopped beating for a moment. Right at the top written in bold was the legend, EXAM SYLLABUS.
The list read as follows:
A to Q-both capitals and small letters-this for a 3-year old who can barely hold a pencil.
Numbers-1-10-now this one I could do, especially if I could get a hold of enough “Gems”-the sugar coated candy my son is so fond of.
Fruits from Page 10 of textbook- Now how hard could this be? I had reason to gloat, since Appu dear already knows the common ones thanks to his grandmother’s persistence. I was in for a surprise. The list of fruits on Page 10 read like this. Pineapples, Litchi, Custard Apple…….whatever happened to the apples, oranges and mangoes of yore?
Add to this, a bunch of nursery rhymes I had never even heard of. Was this the generation gap at work?
Report Card day at playschool. I waited with trepidation. This was ten times worse than getting my own report card in the past. I was handed the report card and I braced myself for a slew of comments on my bad parenting skills.
I opened it and saw a cute little golden duck pasted on it. Mystified, I looked at Appu’s teacher. The only duck I could think of was as in cricket, and I hoped against hope that this wasn’t anything to do with zeros. Seeing the mystified look on my face, Appu’s teacher hastened to explain that a golden duck meant “Good”. I took that to mean that wonder of wonders, Appu had passed!! I am now steeling myself for the next ordeal in store for me-THE FINAL EXAMS.
The list read as follows:
A to Q-both capitals and small letters-this for a 3-year old who can barely hold a pencil.
Numbers-1-10-now this one I could do, especially if I could get a hold of enough “Gems”-the sugar coated candy my son is so fond of.
Fruits from Page 10 of textbook- Now how hard could this be? I had reason to gloat, since Appu dear already knows the common ones thanks to his grandmother’s persistence. I was in for a surprise. The list of fruits on Page 10 read like this. Pineapples, Litchi, Custard Apple…….whatever happened to the apples, oranges and mangoes of yore?
Add to this, a bunch of nursery rhymes I had never even heard of. Was this the generation gap at work?
Report Card day at playschool. I waited with trepidation. This was ten times worse than getting my own report card in the past. I was handed the report card and I braced myself for a slew of comments on my bad parenting skills.
I opened it and saw a cute little golden duck pasted on it. Mystified, I looked at Appu’s teacher. The only duck I could think of was as in cricket, and I hoped against hope that this wasn’t anything to do with zeros. Seeing the mystified look on my face, Appu’s teacher hastened to explain that a golden duck meant “Good”. I took that to mean that wonder of wonders, Appu had passed!! I am now steeling myself for the next ordeal in store for me-THE FINAL EXAMS.