Friday, March 04, 2016


It was a peaceful Sunday afternoon, and I was lolling around watching TV after a rather heavy meal of home-made biriyani followed by chocolate-chip ice cream. 
Appu and his friends were peacefully playing videogames on the sofa, where I could keep a watchful eye on them, and all was right with my world.
And then it happened. An unholy yowling, followed by lots of yelling and thuds. 
The kids all ran out and I followed at a more sedate pace.   I was taken aback at the sight that greeted me.
There was one pre-pubescent kid in his ganji and ripped jeans, (flexing his budding Salman Khan muscles) with a big stick held aloft, ready to strike and another with a stone in his hand.
Were they planning to stone our home?
And then a pitiful whimpering brought me out of my shock.  It looked like a dog was hiding under the stone slabs in front of my home and these kids were out to attack it.
I asked the kids who were playing in our home if they knew what this was about and then I heard the whole story.
 Apparently some time ago, the dog had chased a cock that belonged to these boys.  The cock in question was one with a long, angry-looking scar running from its neck and extending across most of its breast.  It reminded me of cocks ripped up during cockfights.  The dog had apparently chased the cock and these boys had decided that it needed to be killed for following its instincts.
I tried pleading with the boys to no avail.  The anger and the belligerence that they displayed were shocking.  Has violence become so commonplace that there is no reasoning with people?
That was when I decided enough was enough, and I told the kids I was going to call the cops.  I took my phone outside and spoke loudly on it, (in fact I was calling my dad!) and after a point these kids left.  The situation was diffused for the time being but now I live in fear.  Are my windows going to be broken when no one is at home?  Are my car tyres going to be slashed?  Is Appu going to be bullied when he goes out to play with the neighboring kids?
All right, I had kept the dog safe for the time being, but how do I make sure it stays safe? And what about the cock?  What do I do to ensure that it isn’t continuously subject to cruelty during the fights?

I am not even sure I want answers to some questions.