Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Our little emperor, Appu, was enjoying his usual Sunday afternoon swim in the pool close to our apartment in Marathahalli. Err, let me correct that. Appu’s version of a swim is slightly different from the common man’s. It basically involves getting all dressed up in a teeny weeny blue swimsuit, Speedo cap to match (no less!!) and running in excited circles all around the kiddies swimming pool. All this while daddy dear, exhausted after multiple attempts at trying to get sonny boy into the water, wallows in the pool like a beached whale.

Into this tranquil scene of father-son bonding enter two little girls. One look at Appu, and they start giggling uncontrollably. And Appu, mad and confused at the cause of such hilarity, promptly jumps in to the water!!!

An hour later, Appu, all dressed up, in street clothes, emerges from the shower stall near the pool and proceeds to the play area. Only to see his little tormentors occupying the coveted swing sets. And worse, they take one look at him and start giggling again. Outraged at this injustice our little hero asks, Hey!! Why you laughing man? I am wearing clothes no?

Monday, March 02, 2009

Questions with no answers

5:30 AM somewhere in Marathahalli: A bleary-eyed mom sets some milk on the stove to boil.

Sonny dear comes tripping in and as usual insists on sitting on the kitchen ledge to watch the proceedings. Too tired to get into the “No, you cant do that” scene early in the morning, mommy dear lets him.

The ever inquisitive kiddo starts with is questions:

Sonny: Amma, milk makes you strong right?

Amma: Yes, yes!! (Please god, let him drink his milk at least today without any fuss!!)

Sonny: And tea is bad for you?

Amma: Yes, very bad. If u want to grow big and strong, you’ve to drink your milk everyday.

Sonny: Then why is it that you and Accha drink tea every day instead of milk?

Amma: Go ask your Accha.

Accha: (Promptly diving under the quilt and pretending to be fast aleep) I heard that!!!!