Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Picture this. Appu and his dad seated in an armchair singing “Nobody wanna see us together” by Akon at the tops of their voices. Daddy gets distracted for a moment and turns to look out the window at a PYT walking past. Appu, miffed at losing his singing partner, lands one tight slap on dear daddy’s face, which sets daddy’s eardrums ringing. Outraged, Appu receives a spanking.(I do hope no child rights activist is reading this). A lot of tears and recriminations later, things are patched up. Daddy, suddenly conscious of his role as a father, decides to advise Appu against using violence to solve problems.

Daddy: Appu, youre a good boy right? And that slap hurt. Do you think it’s a good thing to hurt people that way?
Appu: (Showing dad his bottom). Well, you hurt me too!!!!


What’s the connection between heights and food? Well plenty, if you happen to be a restaurateur in Bangalore. I have always wondered about this obsession. How else do you explain restaurants named 13th Floor, 20 feet, and 100 feet to name a few? Is it superstition that comes into play or some kind of numerology? Or is it the fond hope that the restaurant would reach those heights and live up to its name? Something common about all these restaurants- all three serve pretty good continental food; if you can get the serving personnel to understand what it is you would like to eat, that is!!!!