One of those rare days when yours truly, struck with maternal zeal, decided to spend quality time with Appu and teach him colors. It started off pretty well and we managed to get through the primary colors and even the browns and light blues. (Thank god for the teachers at the playschool). We then decided to move on to black and white. Once Appu had figured out those two colors, I teasingly pointed at my face and asked “What color am I? Appu answered “White”. (Yours truly did preen a little, lets be honest here!!) Next, pointing to Appu’s face I asked, “And what color is Appu?” To which he replied, “White”. To tease him I said “No, No, Amma white, Appu black!!” To which my over smart kid replied, “Amma white, then how is Appu black? Appu white!!” Not wanting to get into the intricacies of genetics I blandly stated, “No, Appu black.” At this, my son, clearly upset, went up to his grandmother to get her to refute my statement. Interestingly, he didn’t give up until his granny assured him he was “white” too. Is there a lesson in here somewhere? I guess I should have paid more attention when hubby dear once told me that Appu and Michael Jackson shared the same birthday!!!!